Prepping on a Budget

Despite what many of us may believe, prepping doesn’t have to be costly. Whether we’re prepping our home, vehicle, or just piecing together a bugout bag or go bag, many of the items we need can be found in our backyards and kitchens. Today we’re going to discuss some of the most useful household items you can keep around for emergency. Your wallet will thank you for this one!

Create a POA (Plan of Action)
When doing anything in our daily lives, we often create a POA without even realizing it. Budgeting our monthly expenses, filling our calendar, building a workout routine, all these are examples of a POA. Our end goal is to create a step by step guide to assist in achieving our goal, which in this case is Prepping on a Budget! The first step in creating a POA is gathering data. Gathering data can range from our monthly expenses, sqft available for gardening, searching for nearby farmers/suppliers, etc. so don’t be quick to make your POA, be diligent and take your time. The second step is compiling the data and making it make sense! After compiling and organizing all relevant data in a way that supports your prepping goal, take a step back and begin analyzing your first rough draft POA. Analyze and adjust your POA from multiple angles so that it best fits YOUR needs. This will be your starting point, your reference guide, your everything when it comes to prepping, so verify it is effective, efficient, and purposeful!

How you you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
We often visit the store multiple times week, whether it be for that night’s dinner or a loaf of bread. Make it habit to spend an extra $1 or $2 each time you shop, a can of veggies here, a 1lb bag of rice there. Tempted to buy that energy drink? Morning coffee? Wake up earlier, make a cup of coffee for less than .50 and spend the rest on prep food! Remember to stay away from big name brands, as they’re usually more expensive. Dry, uncooked grains in bulk are usually your cheapest bet when prepping food, especially plain white rice. When buying produce, propagate! Propagation is very simple and often the same process for a variety of store bought fruits and veggies. Look for sales, coupons, mobile phone apps that give you exclusive deals, etc.! There is NO reason prepping should be expensive, especially prepping food!

As tempting as it is to buy the newest/most expensive piece of gear there is, we need to remember one thing in particular: Gear doesn’t build skills, training does! It’s better to be efficient without gear than ONLY being efficient with gear. Most items we see online and want to purchase are in our homes. Create a rocket stove out of a large vegetable/fruit can, use a kitchen towel for a shemagh, weld/tape a fork and spoon together instead of buying a camping spork. Let’s not forget repairing gear! Sewing, welding, bushcrafting, etc.! Having the skills to repurpose and recreate gear that is lost or broken is SO underrated! The more we can learn to use the environment around us rather than spending money, the better!

Training doesn’t have to cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Everything you need to learn is available, right at your fingertips! Google, YouTube, Vimeo, Bing, social media, etc. have BILLIONS of FREE tutorials you can use to get an idea or even direct instruction on how to complete a specific task! As with everything, chew the meat and spit out the bones; take what is useful to you and your situation, then discard the rest. Never think you need to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for training, virtual or in person!

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Water: The Elixir of Life